Known as the Deer Lick Group, this cropped in image came from two and a half hours of total integration time with 300 second sub frames. Good conditions with dark sky, no wind and very good tracking. I can find at least 15 galaxies visible in this image!
I have done this one before but I am always hoping to get better results in some way. Too bad I missed the Aurora the very next night…..
From the web:
“NGC 7331 Group is a visual grouping of galaxies in the constellation Pegasus. Spiral galaxy NGC 7331 is a foreground galaxy in the same field as the collection, which is also called the Deer Lick Group.”
“BTW, the odd moniker Deer Lick Group, by which this collection of galaxies is affectionately known, was coined by Tomm Lorenzin, author of 1000+ The Amateur Astronomer’s Field Guide to Deep Sky Observing, “in commemoration of one of the finest nights of viewing EVER, at Deer Lick Gap, just off the Blue Ridge Parkway”
“At 40 million light years distance, it is a bright and dusty spiral galaxy that is thought to maybe be a “twin” of our home Milky Way galaxy. It is one of the brighter galaxies we can observe at magnitude 10.4. Stephan’s Quintet is a group of four interacting galaxies (Visually nearby on the right hand side of this image).