The Iris Nebula is a reflection nebula in the constellation Cepheus that I was able to image on the 24th. The moon was bright so I was looking for targets in the North East for the darkest skies. I got 22 subs at 240 seconds with ISO 800 but the tracking was only fair. Transparency was not the best and a bit of breeze caused some shifting I think. That and or “chasing seeing” where the guide scope image is wavering around. It still just amazes me what can be pulled from the data I start with. Never give up on washed out subs!
I need to try adding a little more distance to my Coma Corrector as it still shows under-correction toward the corners, but some of that is tracking. Some images I adjust a bit using the lens distort effect in Photoshop but not on this one. You can tell because it will distort the angle of the diffraction spikes across the field when software corrected.